Welcome to Nutrition is Medicine! I am the director and creator Lucia :) I am a mum of 2 kids, I’m a Chemical and Biomedical Engineer and a Registered Nutritionist with Complementary Medicine Association.

I hold a Bachelor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering from University of Queensland and hold a Diploma of Nutrition via Torrens University.

I am qualified via smartDNA as a DNA and Microbiome practitioner as well as Microba labs, allowing me to carry out DNA and Microbiome testing to tailor your diet, lifestyle habits and supplements according to you genes and gut health!

I have undergone additional training in genetics and root cause case identification via MTHFR Australia and have also gone specific additional training in IBS, SIBO and mould. In addition I have undergone various training for blood analysis allowing me to review blood test results for FBC, B12, homocysteine, hormones, Iron studies and more.

I am a Microbiome Restoration Centre Healthy Gut Certified practitioner, I am a SIBO Doctor certified practitioner and both a Nourished Gut and SIBO Food Roadmap Certified practitioner as well as GEMM practitioner (Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation).

My training has allowed me to customise nutritional packages ensuring I support you from beginning to end starting with initial consult, microbiome and DNA testing and blood analyse to then customise your nutritional protocols including a 7 day eating plan to support you alongside supplementation.

My goal is to educate and give people the tools to empower themselves to feel confident in their health decisions but also to get to the root cause of their health and this encompasses health issues like IBS, Fertility, inflammation and more. My core tools and expertise is in Microbiome and Nutrigenomic DNA testing as well as blood analysis.

I occasionally work in partnership with Naturopaths as well to ensure that I can support in dietary changes, dietary protocols and supplementation as needed but to also ensure I treat the person as a whole.

I look forward to supporting you on your health journey!

Certified Healthy Gut Practitioner

I am a Microbiome Restoration Centre Certified Healthy Gut Practitioner and have also received training via SmartDNA and Microba labs to interpret microbiome reports and understand exactly what patients need to help their gut via food and supplementation protocols.

SIBO Doctor Approved

I have undergone Masterclass training in SIBO via the SIBO Doctor and am a SIBO doctor certified practitioner. Helping me competently and effectively assess both microbiome and SIBO test results to determine a suitable protocol.

GEMM Clinician

For very sensitive clients I have undergone G.E.M.M which stands for Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation training to support those with higher sensitivities to undergo a gentle healing protocol.

SIBO Food Roadmap Certified

SIBO and the right food protocols is tricky and requires specific additional training. I am SIBO Food Roadmap Certified to help you navigate the right foods with SIBO healing.

If disease begins in the gut, it can heal in the gut