Rewind...Restart the weekend!

Have you felt like you just want to rewind, go back to where the mess all started and then hit play and start again?

Well my weekend was exactly one of those! I had it all planned out, the perfect weekend, my expectations were that I would study Friday night and Saturday morning as I had two online exams I needed to tackle for my course: Human Nutrition and Anatomy and Physiology. I would then spend quality time with my husband and Olivier and then Saturday night I’d breeze into my Anatomy exam and Sunday I could finish my other assignment and be a week ahead of schedule. Picture perfect!

I felt chuffed that I had studied hard all week and nailed my Human Nutrition exam Friday midday. As I submitted my exam I thought I’d double check it did indeed go through properly, the last thing I needed was to think I submitted it when I hadn’t. I found what looked like my exam and it opened up a new page and I thought oh no I hadn’t done it after all, oh wait…hang on…why is a timer going off on this exam…wait this is not Human Nutrition this is my Anatomy and Physiology exam and it’s begun without me realizing it and I’m not ready!! I don’t even know how to answer that first question…aaahhhh!

I panicked bad!

I didn’t know what to do as the seconds ticked along. I decided to just logout and then freak out.  I emailed my lecturer…”help!!”,  I called student services...”Help!”. They to me know to panic that the lecturer can reinstate the exam…phew! By this stage I had already shed some tears and cursed at myself for being so silly.

I finished my work day and picked up Olivier, as I drove home I started getting abdominal pain.

Oh no.

Hubby had had gastro on Tuesday, no surely I don’t have it.

By the time I got home I was so nauseated and dry reaching. Hubby came home and immediately I was throwing up and it was coming out of both ends (sorry to be graphic!). Then the shivers began, the fever, more throwing up, more running to the toilet.

Great, I had gastro. Now what do I do about  my exam?? And Olivier needs to go to bed he’s exhausted and I don’t want him to get sick too L

Hubby says don’t worry he’ll put Olivier to bed and I can go to bed. In my shivering state I brush my teeth, have a shower and get into bed. I’m hot and cold, I have a headache, I have abdominal pain and I try and sleep. An hour later I can hear Olivier crying for me. Hubby is trying but Olivier just wants me. I close my eyes and think please Olivier have mercy on mummy!

Nope, there will be no mercy for mummy who has gastro, probably failed anatomy today and now has to put her son to bed while feverish and in pain because he won’t go to sleep with anyone else.

I finally get up, I breastfeed Olivier to sleep and I’m in so much pain I am dozing off as well. Finally Olivier passes out, and I go to bed…finally, sweet sleep!

A few hours later Oli is awake and in my bed….there will be no mercy for me yet again. Lucky he sleeps quickly in our bed.

The next morning I feel well enough to study, yes I still get up and study because this exam is not going to go away and neither is my assignment. My lecturer had emailed me saying I could still do it. A small win but it means I have to persevere with this.

Sunday rolls round and I feel quite well …yay! I will study today, do my exam and all will be well. We have friends over and I think I’m fine I’ll eat a burger why not.

The stomach cramps begin…again!

At this point my weekend is a write off, I deal with the abdominal pain, I put Olivier to bed, I think I’ll just sleep, I finally lay in a position that doesn’t hurt my stomach. Yay sweet comfy bed.

Then I hear a waaaahhhhhh…it’s Olivier ….

Please have mercy on mummy!!

Nope he wants  mummy hugs. He ends up getting super comfy in my spot and I get kicked out of bed. I get so annoyed I decide I’m going to do this exam darn it and I don’t care. So I go and study!

Somehow the pain subsides and I do the online exam…I feel so chuffed I go to bed and I am fine!

What a weekend. Expectations vs reality….Could I just rewind to that time on Friday when I didn’t accidentally click the wrong exam?