Dispelling myths about the most controversial natural therapy

Homeopathy is the most controversial system of medicine and yet has been around for over 200 years. There is a lot of misunderstanding that homeopathy is just a placebo effect. In simple terms homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine developed in 1796 by Samual Hahnemann based on the philosophy that “like cures like” and works by stimulating a healing response and strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself. Homeopathic medicines are made from low dilutions of molecules made of the original substance (plant or mineral or animal) from which they are made, they are so diluted that they are at a point beyond the molecular level and what is left is energy or frequencies and it is at this point that homeopathy becomes controversial. The science behind this physico-chemical properties of high dilutions is explained in this link by Dr Steven Cartwright: https://www.hri-research.org/hri-research/how-do-homeopathic-medicines-work/physico-chemical-properties-of-high-dilutions/

There are a number of studies that have demonstrated the benefits of homeopathy beyond the placebo effect (see links below) including a study done in 2005 published in the journal of Clinical Pharmacology that concluded:

“The majority of GPs who prescribed homoeopathic medicines did so when conventional treatments had apparently failed (76%), while 94% also perceived homoeopathy to be safe…In primary care paediatric prescribing of homoeopathic medicines most commonly occurs for self-limiting conditions in infants less than 1 year of age. Although the current level of homoeopathic prescribing is low, the widespread use in the community suggests that at least some knowledge of the main indications for homoeopathy and the preparations used would be of benefit to registered medical practitioners” Ekins-Daukes et al., (2005) J Clin Pharmacol

Another study in 2015 titled “Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children: blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial” concluded:

These results suggested that the use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children, signalizing that the homeopathic prophylactic potential should be investigated in further studies” - Siqueira et al., (2016), The Faculty of Homeopathy

how does homeopathy really work? And why is it different to other therapies?

When I sat down with David, a homeopath of over 25 years, for the first time last year I was surprised that we delved into a lot of the emotional aspect of my physical symptoms. It became more of a therapy session, that got me talking about and describing whatever pain I felt, emotionally what was going on within me and finally David was able to pinpoint a remedy that fit these symptoms in the “like cures like” philosophy. One of the basic principles of homeopathy is that the mind, body and emotions are all linked and as Dr Hahnemann, said almost 200 years ago “when a person gets ill, he is affected emotionally and mentally as well as physically”. This has really struck a cord with my experience with homeopathy and healing. I am constantly in awe at how much my emotional state impacts my health, something that is often ignored in any other practice of medicine today.

When I asked David, in his words, what is homeopathy he explained:

Homoeopathy works on what we call the Dynamic Plane, that is the level of energy or spirit. We see all life and all health as springing from the Vital Force, the most fundamental element of a living thing. Our remedies are processed in such a way as to extract what we call the Vital Principle out of the original substance, its potential healing blueprint. This leaves behind any toxic or poisonous material, removing any risk of physical harm to the patient. The Vital Force is responsible for all our mental, physical and emotional experiences, and so Homoeopathy is able to affect any diseases that affect these aspects of us, making it the most versatile medical system currently available.”

thermore he explains:

“Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which works with Nature to potentially cure any kind of disease. We use a principle we call the Law of Similars to provoke healing responses in living organisms (what a substance can cause it can cure). We also apply a variety of other principles which ensure healing is gentle and effective, such as the Law of the Minimum Dose, the Law of the Single Remedy and the Law of Direction of Cure. These 4 basic principles forms the foundation of Classical Homoeopathy, which is the system of Homoeopathy originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and which has the most reliable record of promoting cure in the sick”

My experience with homeopathy has taught me to pay attention to my emotional and mental health – listen to my body’s cues of stress, of anger, of how I respond and relate to others and notice how that manifests into physical illness. If for any reason other than to deal with my emotional complications, I find homeopathy has been a very therapeutic experience which has ultimately led me to better physical health.

Does homeopathy heal chronic illness? Depression, anxiety, PMS, etc? The film “Just one Drop” explores a few case studies of people who have healed with homeopathy. This includes a boy diagnosed with autism and when conventional medicine offers few answers, they turn to homeopathy with surprising results.

In David’s case, that is exactly how he got into homeopathy after having health complications following a routine Hep B vaccine he turned to homeopathy and it ended up being his life calling. In the film, Just one drop, Alex a physicist also contracts an illness conventional medicine could not help, he tries homeopathy and was surprised that he got better and it also became his life passion to find out how it works – he went onto found the Homeopathy research institute. In England, the Queen herself credits homeopathy with keeping her healthy for over 60 years!

At the end of the day we all find ways to help ourselves – be it conventional medicine, naturopathy, acupuncture or Homeopathy!

I asked David, what is the biggest take home message you’d like anyone reading this blog to know about homeopathy? He said:

We live in an age where the search for wisdom has become so externalized, that many people no longer hear the wisdom of their own bodies, their own spirits. Homoeopathy teaches us that each person knows best, what is best for them, even if they cannot hear it themselves, even if they have lost their way. Homoeopaths listen closely to the person’s own inner daemon, taking its advice, giving the help it requires”

vid shares so much wisdom and advice that I couldn’t fit here but if you’d like to read my full interview with David follow this link: Interview with David homeopath

Further links on full studies, research and information on homeopathy:

Studies disproving homeopathic remedies have a placebo effect:



Documentary on homeopathy and testimonials:


Study that homeopathy works:



The homeopathy research institute:


Dispelling myths about homeopathy not having a scientific basis beyond the placebo effect:


Homeopathy for emotional health:
