Comprehensive Blood Pathology and Food plan Package
Comprehensive Blood Pathology and Food plan Package
This package has been tailored to include the following pathology testing, customsied food plan and all consultations to go through results and comprehensive summary emails and supplement plan:
Comprehensive thyroid blood test
B12 & Folate blood test
Blood chemistry blood test
Histamine test
Iron blood test
Vitamin D blood test
Inflammation blood test
All test above will be ordered via Iscreen and you just need to take the referral to any laboratory listed and all results will be sent directly to me for analysis
From the above we will then do:
Initial full health history consult to timeline all health events and determine priority
Blood Analysis in Nutrition is Medicine software
Blood Analysis consult to go through findings
Summary email of findings and recommendations
Customised 7 day food plan based on nutripath findings and blood test analysis and findings
Supplement protocol based on all the above