Microbiome and Food Healing Package

Microbiome and Food Healing Package


This package includes:

1 x 60 min initial consult to go through  full health  history - completed

1 x Microba Insights Microbiome test and 1 hour consult to go through results plus summary email of findings and dietary recommendations - completed

1 x blood analysis (via GP and all blood test history request where possible) and 30 min consult to go through results and analysis

1 x SIBO Food Roadmap 6 stage Food Journey Program to support you via a dedicated program designed to stop food reactivity, replenish the microbiome and get you eating a diverse diet for gut healing.

1 x follow up consult after 4 weeks

All consultations will also have a detailed email sent under the new treatment approach from Vitae Mosaic which is a very comprehensive heath timeline and treatment plan created.

Sales are final, there are no refunds as per my website terms of sale.

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